- Hi, I’m Daniel, and I co-founded this project with Timothy. We gained a lot of technical skills through this project, from operating drill presses and manual mills to soldering and CAD. It was amazing to see the car come together through our collaborative efforts and I hope you enjoy reading about it!

- Hello, my name is Mathias Fabra. I was a part of the Sunset Eco Racing club at St. Augustine CHS and ran the social media for our club’s instagram account. I currently study at TMU in the photography and media study program. I had lots of fun with my club members in building the car, as well as coming up with and executing new ideas to further the progress of our projects.

- Hi, I’m Timothy Chhor, a former student at St. Augustine CHS. I’m currently pursuing a post secondary education in engineering. Sunset Eco Racing is full of really nice people and I enjoy working with them a lot. I handle organizational work, make designs on Fusion 360 and help out in the media area. I also played a big role in making this website!